Why I stopped daily todos

I used to love daily todos. "Read 15 mins, run 5km, learn Japanese, for 15 min, behave like this, don’t do that, etc."
I thought that it was helping me keeping some routines up, growing.
It was making my day busy with good things. I was happy to get something done.

I recently changed my mind.
Why that?

First, these todos were giving me the impression to be late, because I was not often able to achieve them all. As a result, it was giving me some level of (useless) stress.
Second, it was giving me a false impression of achievement. I had the impression to achieve things when I was addressing these todos but in a few hours at midnight, they would be to do again.
Third, because I was already "busy" achieving all these todos, I was not taking time to identify other todos, other projects to achieve.

Since I dropped daily todo, I feel I have more time to think. I think I feel a little less stressed. Moreover, I don't think I achieve lest of my past "daily todos"!