Amazon is fragile. 6 reasons why

Yes, Amazon is great.

But it’s fragile. It's here to stay but it won't replace all brands selling stuff... it will stay a major e-commerce player.



1. Innovations they can bring are less important: When you can deliver any stuff in 1 hour... Of course, it can be done faster, 30 mins, 10mins, it can be delivered in the trunk, in the fridge, in the hands, but what’s the point? Consumers don’t care much. There is still a big delivery challenge to fix (and Amazon just bought a Mercedes fleet to own delivery, but beyond this challenge, no huge consumer problem to fix.

If the order goes fast, delivery is fast and the return is easy, the consumer is happy.

1 bis. Amazon is learning other brands to be as good as them. When a retailer is available on Amazon Prime, it learns to deliver stuff in 1 or 2 hours. He learns how to face a high volume of returns. If you're good to go on Prime or Fresh, it means you have the logistics to do Amazon quality level things.

2. Not everything is on Amazon. It will be truer and truer. Brands will more and more control which e-commerce player can sell which part of their portfolio. Amazon (and other generalists vendors) should start missing more and more products. They'll have the commoditized ones but not the cool ones.

3. Its marketplace is messy. Welcoming sellers with lower service quality when your core success reason is service quality is bad. I don’t want that as a consumer. The search result is messier and messier due to the marketplace.

4. Ads. Ads are now everywhere on Amazon, more and more. Consumer hates that. It's a proven fact.

5. The "buy local trend" will damage the business of international companies. I feel that people will more and more value brands from their countries.

6. Personalization failure. Amazon knows so much about me. Their personalization is so limited. Mostly lookalike products from what I bought and browsed.